Eric lomax the railway man
Eric lomax the railway man

eric lomax the railway man

“He said ‘I will tell you one day’ but one day never came.

eric lomax the railway man

“I knew he had been in Singapore when it fell to the Japanese in the Second World War but he wouldn’t tell me any more than that. She returned to Britain and in 1983 they were married.īut it was on her wedding night that she realised that her new husband had a secret. Patti returned to Canada but the couple kept in touch, writing and calling every week, and the friendship quickly developed into something deeper. He had very thick hair and a grace about him which was very attractive.” I was in my early 40s and he was 62 but you could have taken 10 years off him, everyone was amazed he was that age. “I met him on a train, of course,” she laughs. It was on a trip back to Britain in 1980 to visit her mother that she met Eric, a father-of-two whose own marriage was failing. She had emigrated to Canada with her airman husband in the 1950s but as their three children had grown up the couple drifted apart. The relationship between Eric and Patti is at the core of the film but it was pure chance the couple found each other. But it was only in meeting the man that he realised that it is possible to forgive and it is possible to move on and let the past go.”

eric lomax the railway man

“He approached the meeting in a very calm way because he wanted to harm Mr Nagase and have his revenge. He was going to garrotte him if he could,” she recalls. He had got it all planned, he admitted it to me later. Eric did have some thoughts of meeting him and killing him. “I knew Eric wasn’t wanting to meet this man in a friendly way. Patti, 76, admits it took years before her husband finally opened up about his experiences – but meeting his tormentor had an enormous impact on their lives.


Right up until the moment he met former guard Takashi Nagase again, at the bridge over the River Kwai, Eric was intent on getting revenge.īut as he poured out his hatred at how the inhuman treatment he suffered at Nagase’s hands had blighted his life, his anger had disappeared.Įric’s astonishing story is told in new movie The Railway Man, starring Colin Firth as the quiet university lecturer, who died in 2012 after a long illness, and Nicole Kidman as his wife. The simple statement defined the incredible forgiveness that, just hours earlier, Eric had managed to find for the man who brutally tortured him during the Second World War. The couple were standing amid the gravestones of his wartime comrades who had died at the hands of the Japanese as they built the Burma railroad. “Sometimes the hating has to stop”, he told his wife Patti. They are six words which came to sum up everything about Eric Lomax.

Eric lomax the railway man